Enterprise Application Account Manager

Account and password hosting

Application account and password pairs are securely hosted.Manage application access rights instead of distributing passwords.



Reclaim application passwords back from employees, securely hosted within DSphere. Minimum cost to achieve no password login, just select the application in the workbench to access applications directly. Automatically transform third-party SaaS and internal legacy applications to achieve single sign-on (SSO) abilities.

Account Distribution and Sharing

For specific jobs with high mobility, accounts are difficult to inventory, easily stolen, and not recovered in a timely manner. Managers tend to reuse existing accounts. The use of DSphere reduces the management costs brought by the frequent creation of accounts, assignment of permissions, and accounts revoking.


Bypass the application single-session limitations, support single application with multiple accounts logging in at the same time, and sessions are completely isolated.There is no need to manage multiple accounts on a single site with multiple browsers.

Free Trial

Applications We Support

Out-of-the-box, built-in templates for all major apps, new apps can be adapted in less than 5 minutes.

Cloud Platforms
Third-party cloud platforms relied on by technology-based companies

AWS,Azure,Google Cloud, all contain a large amount of core production data and system logs.

Pharmaceutical Database
Pharmaceutical industry relies on third-party patent and big data platforms

Third-party pharma patents and drug big data platforms such as CHIS Kaiser Systems are extremely expensive and data sensitive.

Job Hunting Platforms

Linkedin contains a large number of resumes and personal information of job seekers.

App Stores
APP Store

iOS、Android and many other app stores.

Cutting-Edge Technology


Automatically discover all application accounts being used by employees.

Securely Sharing

Securely share application access between teams without exposing account passwords.

Auto Login

Login application without password, lightweight SSO solution for all web applications.

Access Control

Fine-grained ACL rules based on job roles.

2-Step Verification

Apply extra 2-step verification on accounts behavior, even if it's not supported by the app iteself.

Data Security

AES256 applied to all accounts and passwords hosted, and zero trust rules enforced in every account interaction.

Our Clients